Thursday, March 26, 2020

Skoolers Tutoring Tallahassee Florida

Skoolers Tutoring Tallahassee FloridaSkoolers Tutoring Tallahassee Florida offers the latest in teaching techniques, as well as online services. For students who have not yet begun or completed high school, Skoolers can help make their dreams come true. They offer an online facility, which can help any teen to go to college, get a job, pursue their passions and most importantly, live a healthy and happy life.Tutoring is a modern form of education that is based on a comprehensive knowledge base. Students take online courses and complete online assignments and tests at home. They are responsible for their own materials, textbooks, projects and learning materials. They simply submit their assignments and documents to the Skoolers online service providers at regular intervals for review.Students do not have to worry about short-term financial aid as their tuition and fees are paid by the providers. If there is need for financial assistance, they may also receive it from the university. T he academic resources available through Skoolers Tutoring Tallahassee Florida will allow the student to get through high school and college with ease.Skoolers provides tutoring for all age groups, from pre-teen to post-college, students can be confident that they will receive the best possible tutoring with outstanding support. This will encourage them to work harder and achieve greater success in academics and life.The tools offered by this tutor will aid in helping the student's lifestyle as well. A growing number of students find themselves unable to attend a regular school day due to a variety of reasons such as taking care of their parents or household, work or family commitments.With a tutor on hand to accompany the student and support them at all times, they will not have to worry about missing a school day. They can continue to pursue their studies while ensuring that they are able to live a happy and healthy lifestyle. Life is about more than grades and assessments.Skoolers also offers classes that teach kids new skills like computer programming, art, science and general skills. Students who pursue a career in one of these fields will benefit immensely by enrolling in one of the Skoolers online tutoring services. Skoolers Tutoring Tallahassee Florida is the ideal option for high school and college students to enhance their capabilities.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Vocal Warm-Up Exercises Inspired by Robert Shaw

Vocal Warm-Up Exercises Inspired by Robert Shaw Suzy S. Yesterday, April 30th, would have been the 96th birthday of the late Robert Shaw, famed conductor and founder of his namesake Chorale and the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra, most notably.   Shaw won 14 Grammy awards and 4 ASCAP awards throughout his career, and is best known for helping turn choral conducting into a true art and setting forth the standards of excellence that are still in place today. While many conductors see vocal warm-up exercises as just that warm-ups Shaw saw it as precious time to sharpen singers techniques and work on acting as an ensemble.   For Shaw, warm-ups should be both effective and relevant. Chorus America has a great article about Shaws technique (along with some great audio clips) that is definitely worth the read.   Below are some of the highlights from the article, explaining some of the exercises Shaw used: 1. Vowel Unification: A single pitch, sung in unison (or octaves) on the nonsense syllable, noo.   Begin on a moderately low pitch, such as E, and move down by semitones. This exercise allows the singers to concentrate on nothing more than basic vowel unification and tuning. 2.   Divisi Textures: Two, three, then four pitches sung on loo or noo, creating a whole tone cluster. Singers may also sing on nee or naw or move from nee to aw.   This exercise is useful for determining balance issues in two-, three-, and four-part divisi textures. In addition, the dissonance created by the cluster pitches is preferable to more consonant intervals because one can more readily determine if one voice part is overbalancing the other voice parts. 3. Intonation: Beginning on a moderately low pitch such as E, move up a semitone in 16 pulsed unison pitches (effectively dividing the semitone into 16 separate notes, with each sung almost imperceptibly higher than the last). For even more intensive ear training, a minor third relationship between lower and upper voices may be used. 4. Changes in Acoustics: Beginning with a unison pitch on noo or nee, change vowels rapidly ad lib while slowly turning 360 degrees. This forces the singer to listen acutely in order to maintain a consistent pitch as the acoustics in the room change. 5. Tone Color: Begin with unison pitch on nee with an overly bright vowel. Crescendo and darken the vowel. Do the exercise again, beginning with a tone that is too dark, gradually brightening the vowel during the crescendo. Readers, what other strategies do you use for your vocal warm-up exercises? Leave a comment below or head on over to our Facebook page! Like these posts?   Sign up to receive updates right to your inbox!   Click here to subscribe. You might also like Using Scales to Improve Vocal Range and More Find Your Voice as a Singer: 4 Tips That Work How to Sing Better With One Simple Trick Photo by

Tips for Introverts on Coping With a Stressful Divorce at Work - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / Tips for Introverts on Coping With a Stressful Divorce at Work - Introvert Whisperer Tips for Introverts on Coping With a Stressful Divorce at Work Divorce is stressful. Trying to maintain your family and professional life while navigating through the process can be downright exhausting. Some people find solace in putting all of their efforts into their job, while others struggle to keep their personal life from affecting their workplace responsibilities. As an introvert, you may retreat from work friendships or social events in an attempt to steer clear of the emotional turmoil you’re going through at home â€" but there might be a better way. You must find a balance between your personal divorce troubles and work responsibilities to stay healthy, active, and productive in and out of the office. Unfortunately, there is no magic recipe for staying stress-free in the workplace. However, there are some strategies you can use to create healthy coping mechanisms you can use at work. Before we discuss a few tips, let’s review the state of divorce in America and why it can be a stressful time for introverts. Understanding Divorce and Stress The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that there were more than 2.2 million marriages in 2017. There were also 787,251 divorces in 45 states during the same period. Couples choose to get divorced for a variety of reasons, such as infidelity or the loss of a connection. One survey conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau reported that financial trouble is a major deciding factor in many divorces. People who make at least $97,000 per year had the lowest divorce rate, and those who were unemployed experienced much higher rates of divorce. Once a couple decides to move forward with getting a divorce, many decisions must be made. A few examples include what happens with the couples home and other marital assets and how to divide time with the children. If the end of the marriage was related to financial struggles, figuring out how much a divorce will cost and who will pay for it can add to the tension. All of these decisions may leave you feeling stressed, tired, and disconnected from the world around you, which can affect your ability to work effectively and efficiently on the job. Many people believe that introverts deal with the stress of divorce differently than their extroverted counterparts. The changes at home can alter your day-to-day life and set you into a tailspin. You may be mulling over the details of the break-up, which can lead to feeling distracted. Introverts often go into hibernation and need to be left alone, which others may not understand. Your unique way of handling the stress of divorce isn’t wrong, it’s just part of who you are as a person. Practical Tips for Dealing with Divorce Stress at Work Dealing with the stress of divorce will probably affect all areas of your life. You must find strategies to use to keep you on track at work. Here are a few tips you can use to boost your engagement and productivity on-the-job. Take Some Time Off Introverts need to be alone when going through stressful situations. If you recognize that the quality and quantity of your work is slipping, it may be time to take a few days off. Talk to your manager or the human resources department to see what kind of options you may have for getting some much-needed time away from work. Stay Organized Work can be challenging on a good day. When your mind is preoccupied with the stress of divorce and all the decisions you need to make, it can feel downright impossible. To stay on top of deadlines and other important tasks at work, make sure to stay organized in order to manage your stress levels. Don’t overbook your days with too much work and learn to manage your tasks proactively to lessen the amount of stress you feel. One strategy you can use to manage work is to create a list of 10 items that must be done the next day before you leave work each evening. Highlight the most important 3 or 4 tasks that have to be completed. Place the list in an easy to see spot on your desk so that you can get started in the morning without having to think about what needs to be done. Practice Mindfulness You must practice mindfulness at work and at home. If you’re having a stressful day, take a walk outside or find a quiet place to sit. You can also practice deep breathing exercises or body scan meditation to minimize distractions and refocus your attention to the work at hand. Make sure to eat a healthy diet, get plenty of rest, and participate in at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise each day to reduce stress levels. Seek Help When You Need It You may struggle to admit that you need professional mental health assistance. Counselors, social workers, or psychologists can offer a safe place to discuss your feelings. You might also need to seek counseling services for your children during and after the divorce. Ask your manager if your company offers an employee assistance program. These programs help to find mental health providers quickly and may even be free to use. Coping Well at Work No matter how stressful things get at home, it’s critical to remember that your divorce and these feelings will pass. Keep in mind that your mental health is essential to your overall well being, job performance, and your feelings of job satisfaction. Use these four tips to strategically get what you need when going through a divorce at work. Image Source: Unsplash By: Frankie Wallace Frankie Wallace is a blogger from Boise, Idaho and a recent graduate from the University of Montana. Wallace contributes to a variety of different blogs online and focuses on writing about career advice. Go to top Power-Influence-Office Politics: it comes down to your Strategic Relationships and understanding of how you build each one of these elements. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my video that outlines all of this and meaningful actions you can take today!   Start watching now by clicking here! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

Thursday, March 5, 2020

LSAT Tip of the Week Logical Reasoning Strategies

LSAT Tip of the Week Logical Reasoning Strategies LSAT Law School Blog The logical reasoning section can be one that you feel like you could only truly perfect if you had all of the time in the world. So, this week we will focus on time saving tips and tricks that will ensure that you get the best score possible. The first step is simple, just carefully read through the question. Before taking a look at the answer choices, try to come up with a possible answer in your head and maybe even quickly write it down. You can read a variety of scenarios on how to “pre-phrase” your answer on Powerscore. Once you have your pre-phrased answer, read through each answer choice. Since you pre-phrased your answer you know what you are looking for in the answer choices, so either in your head or on your exam say if the answer choice could be viable or not. Once you have eliminated any that are completely wrong, go back and carefully read the 2-3 options that may be correct and find the one that is the most accurate. Practice this technique and by the time your LSAT rolls around, you will be breezing through the logical reasoning section and can spend the extra time focusing on the harder questions.

Why you Need a Private Irvine Tutor This Spring - TutorNerds

Why you Need a Private Irvine Tutor This Spring - TutorNerds Four Reasons to Book a Private Irvine Tutor This Spring Four Reasons to Book a Private Irvine Tutor This Spring Spring is around the corner, and students are counting down the weeks until the end of the school year. While it’s tempting to daydream about summer break, now is the most crucial time of the year for students to focus. With AP exams, finals, and testing only weeks away, it’s critical for students to keep up their good study habits. You’ve worked hard all year to get good grades and high test scores, so this spring shouldn’t be any different. Stay focused, work hard, and keep up your curiosity. TutorNerds is here to help. Offering the most experienced private tutors in Orange County, TutorNerds can assure that you finish the semester at your full potential. While there are many reasons to book a private Irvine tutor for the spring, we’ll focus on four of the most common. 1. Keep You on Track With prom, spring sports, and extra curricular activities ramping up, spring can be overwhelming for students. Private tutors can help you navigate your schedule and make sure you are on track with all your assignments and studies. 2. Catch Up Even the best students will have a chapter or two with which they struggle. Don’t make the mistake of assuming it won’t be a big part of your final. A private tutor will help you catch up and master the areas you’ve struggled with so you’re prepared for anything on test day. 3. Score High on Your Finals Finals are the hurdle every student must jump before crossing the academic finish line into their summer break. Don’t assume that because you’ve done well all year and scored high on previous tests that you will ace your finals. Start studying early and rely on the help of a private Irvine tutor to go over any material you struggled with in the past. 4. Test Prep With test dates for the ACT and SAT in April and June, some students might start feeling overwhelmed. In addition to prepping for finals, they have to take one of the most important tests of their academic careers (READ: Orange County SAT Tutor Tips). There’s no better way to prep for the SAT or ACT than with the help of an Irvine test prep tutor. Our test prep tutors have all scored high on their tests, and have helped thousands of SoCal students improve their scores. From going over practice tests to improving your math skills, our test prep tutors are here to help. Don’t wait until a week before your finals to book a private Irvine tutor. Call us today to connect with the most experienced tutors in Orange County. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

7 questions to ask yourself before teaching abroad

7 questions to ask yourself before teaching abroad I have only one regret about my time teaching abroad - I wish I’d started earlier! I spent four years teaching in Canada before accepting my first job teaching abroad in Japan. While I did learn a lot in those four years, in hindsight, I feel a couple of years of teaching experience would have given me a strong enough foundation to start teaching internationally. However, teaching abroad is a big decision and not to be taken lightly. How do you know if it’s really for you? There are some serious questions you need to ask yourself before before embarking on what could be the greatest adventure in your life. Is your current job challenging you? Often we will settle into a routine and a job that becomes comfortable. Comfort is great, but it is also important to challenge yourself and grow as an educator. Teaching abroad is a great way to ensure that you will be consistently pushed. You will also be exposed to new theories, classroom management styles and student-teacher relations. Are you qualified for the positions you would like to apply for? This requires a little research. Check out the Teach Away job board. Take a look at some of the positions available. Each posting will state the requirements for the position. Based on the region and position type, you will see some common trends emerging. Do you meet the qualification and experience requirements for your desired positions? Do you have the finances to consider a major move? Of course, you will be paid, often very well, during your time teaching abroad. However, it is still important that you have some funds available for start-up costs. Your contract may not cover flights up front. You might need to use some of your savings for a deposit for accommodation. Each contract is different. It is also important to bear in mind that you are not paid on arrival. You will be paid at the end of your first or second month - depending on your start date. Salary calculator Do you have the time to apply and secure a visa? Once you have decided to look at teaching jobs abroad, the process can be quite lengthy. It’s worth doing some research into typical application and visa processing times. Your Placement Coordinator at Teach Away will be there to help you with this. There could be some documents that you can have on hand to speed up the process. It (almost) goes without saying that the earlier you start the application process, the better. However, we do often have short notice opportunities as the school year approaches - remember to ask your Coordinator! What are your responsibilities right now? Who is depending on you right now? How would they be affected by this move? Your family are a major consideration, but also think of the advantages for them. Having a year or more living abroad can be a transformative experience for them too. Will you be more, or less likely to do this in the future? We tend to accumulate responsibilities as we grow older. This can make a life-changing move more challenging. ‘Next year’ may sound more feasible and may give you more time to plan, but there is always the chance that ‘next year’ never rolls around. So if you feel ready to teach abroad now, get going! Fantastic opportunities and experiences await you.

Get Organized After the Winter Holidays

Get Organized After the Winter Holidays An amazing time of the Christmas and the New Year celebrations has passed by and the new study season is inevitably coming up. Each year, in the first days after winter holidays, students and parents face with the frustrating reality of back-to-school chaos. With memories of the holidays still fresh in mind, it is very difficult to switch from an easy and delightful festive lifestyle to an organized and busy school rhythm. However, there is no better time to gather the willpower  and to direct the efforts to study in order to be in the best shape for finals which are only several months away now. Here are five tips to make the transition to the study mode less stressful: Be disciplined. One of the worst problems after the holidays is that both children and adults slip out of all their good habits during the holiday break. Going back to school, revisit your daily routine and adjust it to your new intense study rhythm. Set your goals. Choose realistic resolutions and turn yourself up for success for next year. Think of what you really want: to spend one more year at school or to show your worth? Do not assign impossible tasks but be persistent striving for knowledge. Make your weak point list. The admission of your weaknesses is the first step to overcoming them. Take a few minutes to think of what you can do to improve yourself. If you have a lack of organization, make a detailed plan of your day and try to keep it. If you are falling behind in math or chemistry, pay more attention to this discipline while doing your homework. Know your limitations. After recognizing your weaknesses ask yourself if you can get over these difficulties without assistance. If necessary, apply for help from your friends, classmates, school teachers or private tutors. Don’t postpone this to the last weeks before exams. Show your values. Do not obsess about your weaknesses, find your strong points and use them to gain respect of your classmates and tutors. One of the worst problems of back-to-school season is to not being organized. When you go back to school after the holiday break, there is a deceptive feeling of “plenty of time” before finals but the school season’s pace quickens exponentially. Don’t waste time! Get Organized After the Winter Holidays An amazing time of the Christmas and the New Year celebrations has passed by and the new study season is inevitably coming up. Each year, in the first days after winter holidays, students and parents face with the frustrating reality of back-to-school chaos. With memories of the holidays still fresh in mind, it is very difficult to switch from an easy and delightful festive lifestyle to an organized and busy school rhythm. However, there is no better time to gather the willpower  and to direct the efforts to study in order to be in the best shape for finals which are only several months away now. Here are five tips to make the transition to the study mode less stressful: Be disciplined. One of the worst problems after the holidays is that both children and adults slip out of all their good habits during the holiday break. Going back to school, revisit your daily routine and adjust it to your new intense study rhythm. Set your goals. Choose realistic resolutions and turn yourself up for success for next year. Think of what you really want: to spend one more year at school or to show your worth? Do not assign impossible tasks but be persistent striving for knowledge. Make your weak point list. The admission of your weaknesses is the first step to overcoming them. Take a few minutes to think of what you can do to improve yourself. If you have a lack of organization, make a detailed plan of your day and try to keep it. If you are falling behind in math or chemistry, pay more attention to this discipline while doing your homework. Know your limitations. After recognizing your weaknesses ask yourself if you can get over these difficulties without assistance. If necessary, apply for help from your friends, classmates, school teachers or private tutors. Don’t postpone this to the last weeks before exams. Show your values. Do not obsess about your weaknesses, find your strong points and use them to gain respect of your classmates and tutors. One of the worst problems of back-to-school season is to not being organized. When you go back to school after the holiday break, there is a deceptive feeling of “plenty of time” before finals but the school season’s pace quickens exponentially. Don’t waste time!

Win a Flight to Anywhere

Win a Flight to Anywhere Apply for ADEC jobs  with Teach Away for the chance to be entered in a draw to win a flight to anywhere! This travel opportunity is sponsored by STA Travel, who will provide the winner with a ticket (up to $1500) for a flight to a destination of his or her choice.This contest is open only to Teach Away educators - so apply today!Apply nowHow to EnterThere are two ways to be entered to win:1. Attend an ADEC in-person interviewTo do this, you'll have to apply for an ADEC position through Teach Away and be invited to an in-person interview session following a successful pre-screen interview.Any educator who has attended an in-person ADEC interview as a Teach Away candidate in Autumn 2013, or who will do so in Spring-Summer 2014, is automatically entered to win a flight.2. Refer a friend or colleague who attends an ADEC in-person interviewDo you know a colleague you would be a great candidate for ADEC? When you encourage them to apply through Teach Away, you'll be entered in the draw if they do apply and go on to attend an in-person interview. Be sure to tell them to mention your name in their pre-screen interview with Teach Away.If you are already an ADEC candidate, you can receive additional entries for each friend that you refer!  There is no limit to the number of times your name can be entered.If you are not an ADEC candidate, your name will still be entered as long as you are already registered with Teach Away.Contest DetailsAll contest entrants must be over 18, have a valid passport at the time of the drawing, and be registered with Teach Away.The contest drawing will take place in late 2014. For a full list of rules and regulations, please visit the official contest page.Apply nowApply to teach in Abu Dhabi with Teach Away: Apply now

A Lesson in Math - An Algebra Tutor in Need

A Lesson in Math - An Algebra Tutor in NeedOne of the greatest advantages to studying with an algebra tutor in need is that you will learn more in a few short months than your peers do in years. This is because you are working together with a skilled person and not just doing it alone. You will have more opportunities to make mistakes because you are learning from someone who has mastered the skills. In addition, there will be more opportunities for them to help you improve.A second advantage is that you will find that a particular tutor has a high degree of attention to detail. He or she will work very hard to enhance your skills and you will be very grateful for their effort. Not only will you get much better results, but you will also have a good teacher who can encourage you to reach your full potential.Third, they are flexible in their hours. If you can spare some time, then spend it with them. They will get the most out of your time if you allow them to use it effectively.Fourt h, a higher grade can be expected from you because a particular algebra tutor is more experienced. Usually, students who do not have someone to practice with are unhappy with their grades and often turn to people to assist them. For one thing, they tend to be impatient. But they do not spend enough time on the subject because they are too busy trying to keep up with their homework.Lastly, you will get more attention from them because they know you want more time to learn and you are their student. When they start struggling with the subject, they will give more attention to you and it will motivate you to get your homework done more quickly.Even though they do not have a degree in math, they will be eager to answer any questions you may have and work hard to help you with your math problems. That will keep you motivated and engaged in your math class so that you are less likely to leave the classroom frustrated.It is important that you choose the best one for you. Not all of them ha ve backgrounds in math, so you need to be wary. Ask him or her to give you sample tests. Keep in mind that there are hundreds of tutors available and only one can be the best one for you.